Wednesday 21 August 2013

The amazingness of Facebook on organisations

Facebook is about  social groups and sharing of experience and interaction , making it particularly suitable for organisations. It is a fantastic resource for organisation on the web and a great way for organisations to reach their target public. It allows  organisations to gather people who share the same interest with the them into one place and then allows two way communication with them, sharing important information and content etc.

 Organisations can create an account and have a profile where they can constantly update anything they regard of interest to their audience, they can share links, images, content etc. with their audience and make it unbelievably easier to promote their particular service or product. This can attract traffic to the wall of an organisation because if an individual like the post or share the will show on his/her friends wall. What an easy and convenient way for organisations to engage and communicate with their audience and awesome way to reach your audience.. go to and check out various organisations that inspire you and engage with them to your advantage in future!


  1. Facebook has made communication between the organisation and the public easier since they are able to comment and share their views. It allows people to interact with each other and it has made the lives of people easier. I think it is an interesting source that people can use to gather information and also to have fun.

    1. so far it is the most used social platform all over the world,with over 200 billion people according to researchers..its amazing how an ordinary platform increase productivity in organisation..mind blowing

  2. but facebook is about interacting with each other who wants to hear about organisations on facebook its a social networking site

    1. you just being unrealistic and dramatic..yes you just said its an interacting platform so organisations use it to interact and engage with their audience.its not only for social uses dear.BOOM!

  3. yes it has made communication a whole lot easier and organisations use it to gather people of same interest with the!

  4. obviously,Facebook has made the flow of communication between the organisation and the public easier.We are now able to communicate with organisations via wallpost,inboxes and we can even tag them on our status messages to help promote them to the outside networks are just a great platform for organisations to keep in touch with their stakeholders.

    1. communication is way easier with facebook, either be between friends or organisation with their target public.

  5. facebook has made things to be easy for the organisation to communicate wih their target publics and have a two way communication. social media has just taken over the world and made things for PRP easy

  6. I do cherish that idea it is interactivity and promotes individuality (making the company's customers feel appreciated and connected to the company). Facebook also enhanced online community building and relations, so it is a best platform

  7. Great!!! Facebook is about social groups and sharing of experience and interaction. It's beneficial for companies to consider using it, because it enhances corporate communication and it gives companies an advantage of getting feedback from customers about the company's products and services.

    1. It is indeed beneficial T..sch an advantageous platform!for both individuals nd organisations

  8. Social media is the in trend for the business world, it makes it easy for an organisation to interact with they target publics and find out what the consumers are not happy about regarding the service or product the organisation offers.

    1. yes it is indeed..for both the organisation that want to promote its product and service and for individual who simpl want to interact with their fellow peers.

  9. This is interesting. Organizations can take advantage of this.

    1. well it makes things incredibly easy for organisations globally..

  10. Yes indeed facebook is one of the number one social media that has ever came alive and its so increasing rapidly here in South Africa and Africa as a whole.

    1. it is indeed number one social has become a tradition in one's world despite the fact that we have other platforms..because of its effective and advantageous features.

  11. social media is a good platform for organisations becaause it makes it easy for them to interact with their audience.

  12. yea globalisation s da driving force of all da output we c in out generation, and facebook is taking ovet frm most of the social nertwks

  13. facebook is the right platform for organisation to stay in touch with their target audience, at a smaller rate.
